Statute «Siberian Alternative» Center

1. General provisions.

1.1. Regional public organization – Center "Siberian Alternative", short title "SibAltCenter", hereinafter Center, is public association based on the membership and joint cooperation to defence public interests, to unite people for intercommunication, to support state institutions and to execute purposes of the Statute.

1.2. The Center is a non-profit public organization. It does not gain any profits and does not share it between its members.

1.3. In its activity Center bases on principals declared in the Declaration of Human Rights and bases on the Constitution of Russian Federation, Civil code of RF, Law of RF “Concerning public associations” and other standard acts of RF and the present Statute.

1.4. The Center operates on the principals of voluntary, equality of all members, self-government and legality.

1.5. The Center acts as juridical person, has its own balance of payment, settlement account and other accounts including currency account. The Center has round seal, stamps, forms and symbols registered in standard order and may obtain and hold rights of property, act as plaintiff and defendant in the court of arbitration.

1.6. The Center is responsible for its obligations by all its property. Member of the Center is not responsible for Center’s obligations and the Center is not responsible for its member’s obligations.

1.7. The Center operates on the territory of Omsk region and may operate on the territory of the other subjects of RF and have organization developments – divisions and representations.

1.8. The Center’s headquarters is in the city of Omsk, 50 let Profsojuzov str., 119/1.

2.      Purposes and objectives.

2.1. The main purposes of the Center are as follows:

To take measures for HIV and other sexual transmitted diseases prevention.

To acculturate sexual relationships in the society.

To provide free psychological assistance and legal protection for HIV-infected and AIDIS patients, sexual minorities.

2.2. Objectives of the Centers’ activity:

To produce and distribute printed, video and audio issues aimed at execution of abovementioned purposes, after getting license.

To develop and realize informative programs.

To carry out educational activity among population.

To establish a group of free telephone and personal consultation on social, legal and psychological problems for HIV-infected and AIDIS patients, sexual minorities and their relatives.

To set up “hot line” for the population on the problems of prevention of HIV infection and sexual transmitted diseases.

To involve HIV-infected and AIDIS patients, sexual minorities in the preventive activity and social and psychological support.

To set up contacts with Russian and foreign public associations with the purpose of information exchange and support.

To establish and support clubs and movements.

To participate in scientific, cultural and other exchanges, to contribute to humanitarian contacts realized in the international practice.

3. Rights of the Center

3.1. To disseminate information about its activity and events.

3.2. To participate on the legal base together with the authorities in the decision-making process concerning problems of Center's activity.

3.3. To conduct meetings, presentations, demonstrations, pickets and cultural events.

3.4. To join international non-governmental public organizations to establish such organizations, to maintain direct contacts with international organizations, to make agreements.

3.5. To fulfill publishing, educational, medical, industrial and financial activities. To establish mass media with the aim to execute declared mission as well as to establish enterprises and self-supporting organizations qualified as judicial person.

3.6. To exercise other authorities specified by the Legislation of RF in accordance with aims and objects mentioned in the Statute.

4. Responsibilities of the Center

4.1. To follow Legislation of Russian Federation, international law and clauses of the present Statute.

4.2. To issue annual report concerning used property and to provide report's availability.

4.3. To inform registrar body about further activity including information about headquarters and other data inscribed in the Unified State List.

4.4. To provide annual and quarterly reports about its financial activity upon the request of registrar body.

5. Membership

5.1. Member of the Center may be citizen of RF, at the age of 18 years at least, foreigner, stateless person as well as public association.

5.2. Enrolment:

Board of Directors is responsible for enrolment. It is based on the member’s application or decision of correspondent competent body.

5.3. Members’ rights:

To vote and to be elected to the administrative and auditing bodies of the Center.

To participate in all events organised by the Center.

To get information about Center’s activity.

5.4. Member’s obligations

To follow Center’s Statute,

To perform decisions of the administrative body of the Center.

5.5. Withdrawal

Member of the Center can voluntarily withdrawal from the membership. The decision of the administrative body is not required.

6. Governmental body

6.1. Membership Forum is the governmental body or the Center. Forum holds annually, special session of the Forum can be held upon the request of one third of the Center's members, decision of the administrative body or request of auditing body. Membership Forum is authorized if more than half of all members of the Center are present. Decision making process is made by minority of votes, in case of priority directions – by minority of qualified votes.

6.2. Competence of Membership Forum:

To make decision concerning Center’s establishing and closing.

To approve Center’s Statute.

To make and register amendments and additions to the Statute.

To set policies and strategies for the Center.

To elect governmental body of the Center.

6.3. Board of Directors is standing governing body of the Center. Board of Directors is accountable to Partnership Forum.

6.4. Main task of the Board of Directors is to organise the implementation of Center’s programs.

6.5. Competence of the Board of Directors:

To elect and recall the Chairman and vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors.

To make decision in the case of establishing or joining international associations.

To implement bases principals of Center’s activity, perspective programs and fund raising.

To set up financial organizations.

To approve annual reports and conclusions of auditing body.

To define an administrative structure of the Center, staff salary.

6.6. The Board of Directors shall meet every month. The meeting of the Board of Directors is authorized if includes more than half of all members of the Board.

Decision-making is based on the principal: one person is one vote.

Decision is approved if it is supported by two third of the members of the Board of Directors in presence.

6.7. The Chairman heads the Board of Directors. The Chairman is elected from the Board of Directors for the period of one year.

Chairman is competent in all questions concerning Center’s day-to-day operations excluding those that are in competence of Partnership Forum and Board of Directors.

The Chairman prepares and holds annual and regular meetings of the Board of Directors.

Special meetings of the Board of Directors are held in case of Chairman’s decision or by request of one third of members of the Board with indicating problems to be considered. In the case of Chairman's absence the Vice-Chairman acts as a Chairman.

6.8. The Chairman and vice-Chairman execute administrative functions.

6.9. Competence of the Chairman:

To fulfil operational administration of the Center's activity in accordance with approved plans and budget.

To submit projects and reports for approval of the Board of Directors.

To manage Center's property, to conclude contracts, including employment agreements, to issue letter of authority, open bank accounts.

To appoint staff, to issue orders, to develop internal documents and submit  them to the Board of Directors.

To represent Center's interests in different organizations and institutions without letter of authority.

7. Auditing

7.1. Auditing body performs revision of financial activity of the Center. The Membership Forum elects auditing body. Auditing body is accountable to the Membership Forum only and reports once a year. Auditing body provides findings to the annual report and financial statements and submit them for approval of the Board of Directors.

The order and principals of the revision are prescribed by statement "About auditing body of the Center" and approved by the Membership Forum. Financial activity of the Center is inspected once a year.

8. Property of the Center.

8.1. The Center may own land, buildings, housing resources, equipment, cash resources, securities, shares, and other property necessary for Center’s operating. Center may own offices, publishers, mass media, enterprises, charities.

8.2. Center’s resources:

Donations form people and organizations,

Proceeds of Center’s activity prescribed in the Statute (lectures, auctions, cultural, sport events and others).

Benefits of entrepreneurial activity of the Center and its own enterprises.

Securities and shares.

Civil bargains.

External economic activity of the Center.

Other donations do not banned by the legislation.

8.3. Benefits of production and economic activity of the enterprises established by the Center may not be shared between members of the Center and are spent on the Center’s purposes described in the Statute.

8.4. Property handed to the Center by natural or judicial persons as a gift, donations, benefits of Center’s economic activity, results of its intellectual and creative activity belong to the Center as Center’s ownership.

9. Entrepreneurial activity

9.1. Entrepreneurial activity of the Center is carried out in accordance with Civil Code of RF, Federal Law and other statute of RF.

9.2. Center can establish business partnerships and other business organizations, as well as purchase property necessary for entrepreneurial activity.

9.3. Established business partnerships and other business organizations make all necessary payments to the correspondent budgets as prescribed by Legislation of RF.

9.4. Benefits of entrepreneurial activity may not be shared between members of the Center and are spent on the Center’s purposes described in the Statute.

10. Statute amendments and changes

10.1. Membership Forum of the Center may amend the Statute when necessary with following registration according to the legislation.

11. Center’s dissolution and liquidation.

11.1. Center’s dissolution (amalgamation, joining, sharing or liquidation) is determined by the decision of the Membership Forum in accordance with the Statute if the decision has two thirds majority of all members. The Center may be liquidated by the judgement.

11.2. If Center does not provide renewed information to the Unified State Registrar for judicial persons during three years, Registrar Office has right to appeal to the court to declare the Center invalid as judicial person or excludes it from the Unified State List.

11.3. The liquidation committee appointed by the Membership Forum carries out liquidation of the Center.

11.4. Property of the Center, liquidated by the decision of the Membership Forum, after granting creditors’ demands and meeting other obligations in accordance with Legislation of RF is directed to the purposes prescribed in the Statute. The liquidation committee publishes decision about it.

11.5. After Center’s reorganization its property is handed to newly originated judicial persons in the order specified by the Legislation of RF.

11.6. Decision about Center’s liquidation is forwarded to the Registrar Office to exclude Center from the Unified State List.

11.7. Center is considered to be liquidated since the moment of its excluding from the Registrar list and the documents about its liquidation are sent to the state record office.

11.8. Center is responsible for registration and keeping of staff documentation and sends it to the state record office properly.


Beginning section

Presentation of activity

Office: ul. Frunze, 40, office 203, Omsk, Russia
Phone/fax: +7 (3812) 20-45-88
Postal address: P.O. Box 2875, Omsk, Russia, 644033

Design and administration:
Vladimir Averin

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