Every day, since dawn to
sunset, we work to help public prevent the spread of HIV, drug
addiction, and sexually transmitted diseases. For that purpose,
we conduct socially important educational, informational, and
rights protection programs, support public initiatives which aid
each person in obtaining necessary information on how to live
healthy and learn how to behave responsibly.
The history of our Center
began in 1996, when in Omsk were registered of the first cases
HIV. For counteraction to distribution of the HIV and to support
the international “AntiAIDS” movement by initiative youth group
was created the regional public organization the «Siberian
Alternative» Center.
Today the «Siberian
Alternative» Center is the largest noncommercial organization
specializing in the prevention of HIV and formation of a healthy
lifestyle in Omsk area. Annually activity of the Center is
covered more than 5000 person.
Under aegis of the
«Siberian Alternative» Center work the best experts of Omsk
region in sphere of formation healthy lifestyle, prevention of
drug addiction, and other social problems. This is
psychologists, teachers, social workers, sociologists, lawyers,
medical experts, doctors and experts in planning family.
But main helpers in of our
activity, certainly volunteers. Work of hundreds volunteers
helps us to build humane and socially – developed advanced
democratic Russia. We all different - young and ambitious,
cheerful and clever, purposeful and persevering. We set our
objectives and reach them. That’s why we are TOGETHER. |
Programs |
1. Prevention of HIV and
sexually transmitted diseases. First prevention of drug
addiction and propaganda of healthy lifestyle among city and
rural youth.
The basic role in this
program is played by the trained volunteers. This is young,
social - active teenagers who for work within of this program
are trained on special seminars - trainings of equal education
with the purpose of the subsequent distribution of the received
knowledge and skills among peers.
Together with volunteers we
spend public actions and information campaigns which purposes
are: actualization of a problem of distribution of socially
caused negative phenomena and diseases, struggle against
discrimination, increase of tolerance of a society to people
living with HIV/AIDS.
For improvement of quality
volunteers work there is constant monitoring and supervision.
There are seminars of the second level, on which volunteers
receives regularly training, on which have an opportunity to
receive more profound information on the basic questions of
preventive services in aspects of HIV/AIDS, venereal diseases,
oratorical skill, psychological skill etc. With the actions we
have visited the most remote places of Omsk area where in the
interactive form together with volunteers carried out
information conversations for local teenagers, games, trainings
and preventive competitions with the purpose of training to the
vital skills of preservation of health. Also within the
framework of this program we carry out training experts working
with youth (teachers, psychologists etc.) to skills of
individual and group consultation and realization the actions
directed on formation of healthy lifestyle of teenagers.
2. Support of regional
voluntary initiatives in the field of formation of healthy
lifestyle and preventive services of social diseases.
The Center renders
technical, information and methodical support in the field of
the organization of work on preventive services HIV/AIDS, drug
addiction and other social diseases to public and governmental
organizations working with youth. Conducted permanent job
support of voluntary movement in field of propagation of healthy
lifestyle. One of elements of this work is creation of the
regional voluntary Centers on all Omsk area. Specialists
regional voluntary Centers have training multistage preparation
at our training seminars. Such Centers are already open all Omsk
areas. Each year on the basis of these Centers is prepared more
than 250 volunteers who then distribute the received knowledge
and skills among peers.
3. Informational,
psychological and legal support of people living with HIV/AIDS
and also of their relatives.
Under this program of the
Center directed works on improvement of quality of life,
HIV-positive people, and also strive with stigmatization and
For this purpose, was
founded a group of mutual support «MART», which united
HIV-positive people for mutual support, defend their civil
rights, freedom, and state guarantees.
Our organization was the
first in Russia opening a rights-defending clinic for people
living with HIV/AIDS and their relatives. On the basis gained
experience, we developed methods and recommendations for opening
similar clinics in other HIV/AIDS- services and rights-defending
organizations in Russia.
On a regular base we
conduct informational meetings and discussions with medical
specialists, psychologists, lawyers, and social workers. Our
specialists also conduct psychological trainings directed on
formation of skills, necessary in mutual relation with close
people, personal growth, and increasing self-estimation. The big
attention is paid to formation an initiative group, on which in
many depends increasing the number of group members of «MART». |
service |
The information services of
our organization are the source of information on questions
preventive maintenance social diseases and formations of healthy
lifestyle for teenagers, volunteers, and also for specialists
working with them: doctors, teachers, psychologists, employees
of public organizations, etc.
In the library of
information service collected specialized editions on
reproductive health and sexuality, propagation of healthy
lifestyle, dependences, psychology, public work and protection
of rights, preventing and treatment sexually transmitted
diseases including HIV/AIDS.
Since 2002 on the basis of
our organization works the information telephone service on the
questions connected with HIV/AIDS.
The main goal of this
service is to give an opportunity to every person in our city to
obtain full and trustworthy information regarding HIV/AIDS.
Besides, specially prepared advisers are ready to reply
questions on connected problems: drug addiction, and sexually
transmitted diseases.
The main tasks of advisers
of a telephone line: providing people with information about
AIDS service centers, services of diagnostics and treatment of
the infections transmitted in the sexual way, services of
psychological helps centers, services of centers of treatment
and rehabilitation of addicted people, granting of trustworthy
information in area of epidemiology, prevention, diagnostics and
treatment of HIV.
For create new and
estimations of the realized projects and programs will be
regular scale researches and the analysis of the available
information. Constantly conducted mass-media monitoring and
gathering the statistical data.
Since 2000 supported work
corporate site in the Internet, located to the address
www.sibalt.nm.ru. Having visited our site, you can receive
information on all current events and activities in
organization, learn about new programs and research projects. In
section «Statistics»", you will find the latest statistical data
on HIV/AIDS, description of epidemic situation in Omsk region.
The information service
actively is engaged publishing and prepared for printing
information, educational, methodical, and analytical materials,
which are distributed not only in Omsk, but also in other
regions. |
Partners and donors |
We get help from Russian
and international charitable foundations, governmental and
public. Here are some of them:
Charitable Foundation "Bread for the World"
Charitable Foundation "Foundation for AIDS Research"
Omsk Ministry of Youth and
Omsk AIDS Center;
Siberian Civic Initiatives Support Center;
German Society of Technical Cooperation (GTZ);
US Agency of International Development (USAID);
International Initiative WHO/UNO in primary prevention of
psychotropic addiction;
Embassy of Netherlands in Russian Federation;
Open Society Institute (Soros Foundation);
Foundation for «Civil Society»;
Charities Aid Foundation (CAF);
AIDS Foundation «East – West»;
Social Development and Health Protection Foundation «Focus-Media»;
Public organization «Humanitarian Project»;
Charitable Public Foundation «Siberia-AIDS-Aid»;
And many others… |
Characteristic of Omsk region |
City of Omsk - is the
seventh on size city of Russia. The population of Omsk region 2
079 000 people (1428 000 people - urban population and 651 000
people - rural). Omsk is an administrative center of Omsk region
located in a southwest of Western Siberia in VI time zone (a
difference on time with Moscow +3 hours). Geographical
coordinates of city of Omsk: 55, 00 ° northern breadth, 73, 24 °
east longitude. In Omsk region there are 5 more small cities:
Kalachinsk, Isilkul, Nazyvaevsk, Tukalinsk, Tara. The population
of each of these cities does not exceed 30 000 people.
In the west and the north
the Omsk area borders on the Tyumen area, in the east with Tomsk
and Novosibirsk areas, in the south and a southwest with
Kazakhstan republic. Territory of area - 139,7 square kilometers.
Average population density is about 15 people on one square
The Omsk region is far from
seas and oceans, therefore a climate is continental. Medium
temperature of July is +17 - +19 °C and in January is about -20
°C. In Omsk region there are more than 2 000 rivers (the largest
river - Irtysh) and about 16 000 lakes, from which 245 salty. 25
% of region is occupied by marshes, and 27 % - forests. Omsk
region is situated in boundary of forest and steppe zones. |
information: |
The «Siberian Alternative»
Office: ul. Frunze, 40, office 203, Omsk, Russia
Phone/fax: +7 (3812) 20-45-88
Postal address: P.O. Box 2875, Omsk, Russia, 644033
E-mail: mail@sibalt.org
Web-site: www.sibalt.org
Information phone on
HIV/AIDS: +7 (3812) 38-48-69